I just saw some person morally grandstand about murder in response to a joke about abortion in a comment section somewhere

It feels so uncanny when it's not suburban Evangelical Karens doing it on Facebook but random people presumably under 30

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
    3 months ago

    When I was in community college (pre Trump era), there was a girl about my age (early 20s), who had a speech class with me. One of the assignments we had was to go up and tell the class what our greatest ambition in life was. We all gave mundane answers, like when I went up and told everyone I wanted to teach history to high schoolers. The girl went up and told the class her greatest ambition was to see abortion outlawed throughout the country. This girl interned with members of the state legislature and possibly does the same sort of work in the state Republican machine today. I never did see how Trump changed her. She was one of those Abigail Shapiro types so, it would be interesting to see how her brain processed seeing a godless pig-man like Trump delivering on her greatest desire.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Having known those types seeing a grotesque mockery of their professed morals like Trump do something like outlawing abortion would have them serenely saying "the lord works in mysterious ways."

      • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Yep. "He's our Cyrus the Great, a modern Messiah". It would be either that or going full NeverTrump, and that's quite hard to maintain for 8 years when he's racking up victories for them.

        But, either way you could easily see her supporting someone slightly more presentable with the same policies, like DeSantis.