• SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
      1 year ago

      My brother in Allah (SWT) not one of the comments I made to milk you successfully for lulz directly addressed the comic. I really cant stop because you are that much of an oblivious lolcow, it's really sad. If you had actually bothered to read the comic then you would realise how stupid you sound, but no, you don't have a working brain and so you just keep dogmatically claiming that the author is an incel like a broken record based on no textual evidence whatsoever. You are a cult of one, a sychophant and a bully who tries to rag on people who you see as lesser than you for their lack of romantic experience to make up for whatever psychic anguish is eating away at your rotten soul. And yet due to your lack of self awareness and critical thinking you end up accomplishing absolutely nothing but embarrassing yourself. It's tragic, you stand for nothing and no one but your shitty ego.