:so-true: Bazinga! In order for it to be a colony there literally has to be guys in pith helmets strapping people to cannons and cutting off hands for failing to meet resource quotas! Colonialism is not an abstract extractive relationship between a core and periphery, it's when heckin victorian era clothes and literal territorial annexation!
France is colonialist? So, you're saying Macron is a member of the Union coloniale française, or do you just call everything you don't like "colonialist"?
Bazinga! In order for it to be a colony there literally has to be guys in pith helmets strapping people to cannons and cutting off hands for failing to meet resource quotas!
:so-true: Bazinga! In order for it to be a colony there literally has to be guys in pith helmets strapping people to cannons and cutting off hands for failing to meet resource quotas! Colonialism is not an abstract extractive relationship between a core and periphery, it's when heckin victorian era clothes and literal territorial annexation!
EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
It’s not colonialism unless it happens in someone’s colon, otherwise it’s just sparkling capitalism
France is colonialist? So, you're saying Macron is a member of the Union coloniale française, or do you just call everything you don't like "colonialist"?
I don't know if this is a direct reference or not but in case people are not aware CW: this is not a joke and it literally happened see this infamous photo
yes, it was.
(everyone please read king leopold's ghost)