for the basics, since I'm on an M2 Mac, I use:
- iTerm2: Terminal
- zsh with zsh-completions, zsh-autosuggestions, and zsh-syntax-highlighting: Shell, Shell Completions, Shell Autosuggestion, and Shell Syntax Highlighting
- oh-my-zsh: Shell Configuration Extension
- passion: Prompt Style Theme & Default Profile Terminal Colors
- Homebrew: Package Manager
- Fira Code: Terminal Font
and extending my workflow in the terminal, I use:
- tmux with tpm: Terminal Multiplexer and Plugin Manager
- neovim with lazy.nvim and mason.nvim: Editor, Editor Package Manager, and LSP Package Manager
my default terminal profile ends up looking like this after customization (i don't remember if inline is still disabled):
and my programming terminal profile ends up looking like this after customization:
and I really like the look of this one in particular in the end
so, what's your terminal/shell stack?
edit: here's my neofetch:
👀 in here observing a wholly alien conversation and discourse somehow conducted in english but half the words are not
i'm very happy for them all communicating and sharing their secrets. or i'm sorry it's happening. i genuinely have no idea
Translating vaguely to English: long ago computers didn't have fancy user interfaces, just a command line terminal that was all text. Those terminals are still around, just buried under pretty UIs, and people who write code for a living are going to spend a lot of time working in these as it's the easiest way to run, test, and (more controversially) write code.
As a result there's a lot of communities around different ways of making these terminals look pretty and be more productive. This thread is nerds showing off their personalized terminals.
Bash and Emacs. I try to do things using Emacs functionality (like dired) over using a terminal when possible, but sometimes you just gotta.
ShowI'm not posting mine here because it's VS Code with the default Windows background, but I'm also in the drafting industry and need to interface with Autodesk and Esri...
bash, gnome-terminal, monospace 👶
ShowI also use Emacs
ShowOf course, this is all running on Gentoo, where I have made many tweaks which deviate from the default to balance the needs of CAD/CAM, 3D printing, virtual machines, containers, video game emulation, WINE, ham radio, astronomy, various niches of software development, etc. I go through all of that and still run the most normiecore desktop environment. The 6TB volume is a hybrid which uses LVM to use a 1TB NVMe drive as a writethrough cache for a 6TB spinning drive, and the CPU is overclocked to 4.3GHz from 3.5.
A while ago I used to be big into Herbstluftwm and used urxvtd as a terminal emulator, but I have migrated to Wayland and all of that shit is exclusively designed for X11.
terminal/shell stack
theres transistors near the bottom and grep near the top thats all i know
OS: Arch
DE: SwayWM
Terminal: Alacritty
Shell: fish
(Everyone tells me "noo that's not POSIX-compliant" and I'm here like never had a problem with it)I also use
(available in the aur) because they're the most readable for me. I used to like gohu but nothing supports bitmap fonts anymore for some reason.(Everyone tells me "noo that's not POSIX-compliant" and I'm here like never had a problem with it)
Don't worry. I will give the next Suckless nerd I see a noogie.
Thank you, I really appreciate that. Perhaps we can organize a pragmatic-suckless counteroffensive together.
Just lucky, probably.
I run dash as my login shell and fish as my user shell. There's a metapackage on arch that sets that up for you but I don't remember what it's called off the top of my head.
I'm also grilling fish, it's pretty nice and I get a little fish guy there on the left
I just use all the mac defaults with a simplified PS1 as well as some shortcuts in .zprofile (including
alias 🥺="sudo"
)lmao, I just noticed that most emojis can be typed in the terminal, but 🥺 can't. truly the bottom of emojis
I have, uh. Fedora. With fish in (on?) my terminal. I use it to paste commands I copied from the internet.
Looks really aesthetic!
I don't hang out much in the terminal these days, so I can't even share anything interesting. Just using whatever is the default terminal, currently playing with KDE so that one with bash.