Krugman, despite being a neoliberal knows that food is an essential item. So likely he is propagandizing for Biden.

Look at personal savings rate.

    1 month ago

    Being an economist seems like the easiest job in world. Don't get me wrong, you're gonna need to give up your soul, but the actual work? Prices this, trickle down that, boots straps a bit, and boom pay cheque

    • oregoncom [he/him]
      1 month ago

      It seems that there's a swarm of midwit failsons competing to be the next krugman constantly backstabbing eachother and making eachother miserable. Most of them are just smart enough to know their field is bullshit but not smart enough to do anything else. I'd say it's a miserable existence but that doesn't mean we shouldn't still hang them all.