“Poor management leads to lost customers and lost profits, but it also leads to miserable lives,” Gallup explained while adding that “having a job you hate is worse than being unemployed”.
Can't wait until not having a job when you're 14 and older becomes illegal, and then some kid gets arrested because all the McDonalds near him told him "no" for the cashier position because he doesn't have a PhD in electrical engineering, something that would be very unbecoming of a prestigious institution like the McDonald's franchise owns.
if you add that the penalty in prison is having your labor leased out to those same McDonalds this is pretty much what happened to African Americans with convict leasing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
They're saying the quiet part loudly
Can't wait until not having a job when you're 14 and older becomes illegal, and then some kid gets arrested because all the McDonalds near him told him "no" for the cashier position because he doesn't have a PhD in electrical engineering, something that would be very unbecoming of a prestigious institution like the McDonald's franchise
if you add that the penalty in prison is having your labor leased out to those same McDonalds this is pretty much what happened to African Americans with convict leasing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries