Swedish police said they have granted a permit for a protest where the organiser plans to burn a Koran outside Stockholm's main mosque on Wednesday, the start of the Muslim three-day Eid al-Adha holiday.
Under a heavy police presence and with around a dozen opponents shouting at him in Arabic, Momika, dressed in beige trousers and a shirt, addressed the crowd of several dozen through a megaphone.
He stomped on the Koran and put on it strips of bacon, which is forbidden in Islam. He then lit a few pages on fire before slamming it shut and kicked it like a football while waving Swedish flags
I saw plenty of libs defending this using the exact same arguments that typical islamophobic chuds use. Claiming , or "but the guy who did it is Iraqi!" etc. etc.
Swedish NATO membership was never going to happen anyway, in a million years. America remembers Olof Palmes 1972 Christmas speech and have never forgiven us for it. They simply want to militarily deindustrialize us and ensure our silence of foreign matters. And if they can do that without admitting us to NATO then all the better.
first I'd heard of this speech. darkly typical that there's no English NATOpedia page for it but I found a translation here: https://scrap.tf/raffles/VV7UTC
Extremely funny how the west wants to pretend to care about Muslims when they do shit like this lol
Still largely positive, we just don't want to be exploited by Denmark and the United States like we were in 2015.
stomped on the Koran and put on it strips of bacon, which is forbidden in Islam
christofascists keep demonstrating they know literally nothing about what they hate.
"He stomped on the Koran and put on it strips of bacon, which is forbidden in Islam" i hate this wording so much. pig products are forbidden to CONSUME in islam, not bacon existing on its own
why do people think the quran touching bacon will magically make it a sinful book or like...destroy a muslims life or w/e? like all it is is that muslims arent supposed to eat pig products. if a muslim eats it or handles it by mistake or as work (like if youre a butcher or work at a grocery store, or a restaurant, where you'd handle meat) its fine. even if a muslim person has a pig heart transplant its also fine!!
i remember reading about some teenage hijab wearing girl getting assaulted by some guy who on top of trying to rip her hijab off, threw strips of bacon at her. really weird thing to throw and waste food like that at someone in general but like what did the guy think throwing bacon at her would do? send her to hell? racists are so weird man
reminds me of the great azov heroes greasing their bullets in pig fat to own the chechens i guess???
that worked out for them
Owning The Heathens by getting all my weaponry jammed while I’m cornered in a basement tunnel under the big ass steel mill
putting on my pathologizing hat
the christian is so used to people being condemned to eternal damnation for things they have no control over that they cannot fathom the simple "you didn't know? that's alright" legalisms of pork prohibition in islam & judaism
As a Jew, we're pretty familar with the tale of Adam and Eve since we invented it. The whole point of the apple is that something that is forbidden is more forgivable if you do it unintentionally, so Adam and Eve didn't need clothing pre-apple, for example, because they were never aware they lacked clothing.
Even then, the FIRST thing God does when they realized what they did was give them clothing and then explain that now they have to take some bad with the good in life. So it's like...what gives with Christians and the whole anti-forgiveness or anti-leniency?
They're trying to start a shooting fight so they're just doing whatever they can to piss off whatever stereotype they think people are. Like regardless of how the victim feels about it, the attacker is doing the wosrt thing they can think of to hurt someone without leaving bruises or provoking serious assault charges.
what did the guy think throwing bacon at her would do? send her to hell?
it's not about doing anything material, its about making an Other feel humilated, powerless, and unsafe, establishing that they "shouldn't" be here, and letting other chuds know that they have support and can be open/bolder
Antifa mom attacks neo-Nazi headquarters with well known bio-weapon surströmming.
Some kind of air powered canister gun that fires a shotgun blast of blended fish and durian all over whatever
Let's be real: nobody would get punished if they hadn't gotten a permit either.
Probably not, since Swedens government is quite right wing at this moment, but libs fucking love going after fascists for any perceived lack of upholding the rules. Remember, Libs also don't like fascists, they just don't know how to do anything about them, since libs believe in institutions more than they believe in outcomes.
People here barely know who he is. And the far-right fascists who do know who he is hates him because of his "obvious homosexual tendencies." I'm not kidding.
CHUDs: "All racist white people are beautiful supermodels and anyone who disagrees with us is an ugly emo nerd! Politics are like my high school glory days, right?"
The golden one: "Hi, I agree with you and I am conventionally attractive."
CHUDs: "Wait, you're male and you're not a frumpy loser like me? GAY! Y U MAKE JESUS SAD!?"
CHUDs are either washed up popular kids from high school clinging on to their glory days in any way they can, or they were bullied by the former group but seek revenge on the world by finding their own group of not-so-popular nerds to bully.
Well, he's literally been photographed shaking his ass at the pride festival, so there's that too.
Genuinely just don't know what the fuck is going on with the cops in regards to this shit, on the one hand they allow this stuff, then on the other there's allegations that they are covering up and ignoring Turkish weapon smuggling into Sweden(as well as the fact that our big boogeyman rn "the Kurdish Fox" is located in Turkey yet organizing crime in Sweden.)
Do these assholes want to placate Erdogan or not?
Smuggling weapons into Sweden seems akin smuggling coffee beans into Colombia. Why bother?
Sweden, mah boi. Turkey's doing you a HUGE favor blocking your NATO membership. Why give up something that's based about your country like that?