• usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I'm confused aren't pronouns the language we use to indicate and refer to gender. If I say she what am I talking about if not a feminine person/thing (because english does gender ships)


    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Talking of ships, how the fuck is a ship feminine? In a grammatical sense, it has a feminine genus. Other languages, like French or Dutch or German, randomly apply a grammatical gender (genus) to any noun. Some languages have grammatical genders to differentiate between wild and domesticated animals, or between tools and other inanimate objects or w/e.

      Language has a relation to gender that's mainly arbitrary. It's all made up at the end of the day. I go by she / her pronouns because i'm a woman and she / her is the common grammatical signifier for that and i like being recognized and validated in my womanhood, but other women just go by they / them instead, just look at Judith Butler. I'd fucking murder you for they / theming me, but for them, it's a different matter, they just have a different relation to their womanhood that's better described in its complexities by they / them, so that's what they go with.