most of a hangover is caused by dehydration, before you go to sleep try to drink as much water as you can (remember to pee)
even better is to always have a pint of water between alcoholic drinks
Honestly I just make sure I drink lots of water when drinking alcohol and also to make sure I don't go to sleep hungry. I've heard pedialyte is good for hangovers though
Have you considered having some of the devil's cabbage?
Take an hour long hot shower and sweat out the alcohol. Consume lots of cool water at the same time
Eat the dog that bit you. Drink a couple of beers or take a shot or two to find your equilibrium.
for me:
- smoke weed
- violent lava shits
- shower
- nap
- greasy food
drink 1 glass of water after each step
I'd recommend the famous German 'Konterbier', which is having another beer after waking up
bullshit. am young, want to die for about 6 hours the next morning half the time i drink. stop spreading this propaganda smh.
You're clearly an old person pretending to be young, you're not fooling anyone
Australian cures:
- If coherent enough, drinking at least some water before passing out
- Get up, take a shit, and take a long shower with a cold waterbottle within reach. Wash the trash feeling off you while hydrating
- Drink a Berocca and eat some Vegemite toast. Get the salts and B vitamins back into you. Cheese on the Vegemite toast is even better
- If at critical headache mass, skip the above and get KFC for breakfast at 2pm. Fuck pepsi, get solo, it is the curative beverage.
- If attempting to work through it via hair of the dog, go back to step 2 but have some shower beers, then proceed to step 4 but order delivery KFC. Get drunk all Sunday then have a sickie Monday
i got drunk too because i jokerfied.
i went on a run then had some gatorade, i feel better now.