• lemmyseizethemeans@lemmygrad.ml
    19 days ago

    Looks like it's time for some Public/Private partnerships! Really just let the free market handle it. Selling off public utilities will just be more efficient. Because no big beauracravic overhead and no it's not disaster capitalism it's opportunity capitalism look at how great Argentina is now

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      18 days ago

      Clearly the problem is that they tax the rich too much, if they just let the job creators create more jobs, they could create light-keeping-on jobs and the problem will solve itself.

      • lemmyseizethemeans@lemmygrad.ml
        18 days ago

        Exactly. In fact if they just privatize the entire city, eliminate all taxes and switch from the pound to Bitcoin it would be a paradise for investors and business owners alike! Win win!

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    19 days ago

    We have that too in Antwerp. Came home from a party that other day to find my entire neighborhood pitch black. Couldn't see a thing and I was lucky to have my phone with a flashlights. Can't imagine how women must feel like.

    It was a Saturday night as well. As in, peak going out time in the city.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
      19 days ago

      Indeed, eventually the cost of maintaining the empire exceeds the plunder you get from it and at that point the core becomes rapidly hollowed out.