Creamsicle is staying at a friend’s house. This is Blueberry!

I’m back to being broke and struggling to get enough to eat every day. I was hoping to put all that money towards a car or something—but that’s evaporated and I don’t think I’ll be able to save up for one.

I’m only asking for some help buying dinner today. I’d like to start fundraising for a car but idk.

CashApp is the same as my username. PayPal donations can be sent to @lizo9. If you send money to my Venmo include something in the note so that I know it’s for me, because I’m accepting Venmo payments for a friend who doesn’t have a Venmo account.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    19 days ago

    Jesus christ you blew 4k plus in a month and you're still asking people to keep donating and acting like you're going to use it for anything other than drugs.

    A single person gave you a life changing amount of money less than a month ago, you posted about doing lines of ket, posted that you aren't going to save up for a car anymore and now you're asking for more money?

    • NewLeaf [he/him]
      19 days ago

      This. I get it's hard out there, but this is hard to watch without having the same reaction as you. You and me might get some hate, but at what point could that money have gone to help someone who wouldn't have pissed it away?

      There have been several times that I wanted to post here for help, but at the end of the day, I feel like there are more deserving people out there, and I always find a way.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        19 days ago

        I get if people are pissed at me but I've bit my tongue a few times already. I understand if people need money, I'm not gonna scold people for how they spend money donated to them, but at a certain telling everybody how you spent the money on drugs then coming back and asking for more is frustrating.

        I'm sure I'm overreacting but part of that's cus I feel guilty cus I had friends like this that I wish I had of said sonething earlier on rather then telling them shits rough out there and they gotta do what they gotta do over and over while they told me this time they were gon a use the money to get a place to stay, or a car, or a computer so they could look for jobs and then a month later they're asking for more money for the same thing.

        • NewLeaf [he/him]
          19 days ago

          I feel like there's room for reality checks in this community. You didn't call names, you didn't go over the top, and apparently others agree.

          There's this weird attitude in the US where somehow you're the asshole for pointing out other's behavior and it needs to stop. As long as you keep it between the lines, I don't see why you can't tell people things they need to hear.