the video was released on Friday - CountryMusicTelevision has 'taken it out of rotation'
how long will chuds be talking about this dork being 'canceled'?
and he doesn't even write any of his own hits
"Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Ah sweet they're bringing back the myth of the knock out game!
I ended up watching this decade's darker and grittier batman reboot just a few hours ago. Surprise surprise, the film's first set piece revolved around a black kid getting initiated into a gang via the good ol' knockout game! No wonder chuds love Batman so much.
I read a short story years ago where batman with the serial numbers filed off does all the batman stuff, fights not!Joker, loses a bunch of Robins, blah blah blah, and the end of the story he's crying and asks not!Wonderwoman is this is hell and she's like "Yep. You're being punished for what you did to people when you were alive. And since you figured it out the cycle reboots. Have fun!"
is to this day absolutely convinced that the knockout game is 100% real and uses it to endlessly circlejerk about how racist and mean black people are
“My uncle’s cousin watched a Thug walk up to a grieving widow’s home, where people were coming in to bring her flowers, only for the man to run away after ringing the doorbell to watch her cry from the bushes! Mr. Biden, PLEASE GIVE TRAFFIC COPS RPG LAUNCHERS!”
It's a coin flip whether small american towns even have sidewalks lmao
They are there, but they only stretch a few houses in a row before suddenly stopping and starting back up after a few houses.
"Try that in a small town" what so I can be complained about on NextDoor? Those people are every bit as atomized as city dwellers. Fuck, more so usually.
True, I am the product of small-town living.
Place I was born & grew up in has ~10k people in it altogether, and it's still the biggest town for about an hour's drive in any direction.
Lol a virtue signalling fascist singing to a suburban fascist audience about the the glories of a small town community that they have never participated in during their lives as actual small town America is long since dead, slaughtered in part by the politicians they have supported for most of their lives. :Murikkkka:
Garth Brooks and his consequences have been a disaster for the country and western genre.
there's already a parody by a non-binary singer-songwriter out as well
This is honestly a small dumb point, but being from a small town in the south it's annoying: the dude's from fucking Macon, Georgia. There's around 150k people there. The LARPing is just so damn blatant.
That's why I watch 38 hours of Nu, pogodi! every weak with 500w tower speakers blaring different versions of Capital positioned a precise 8 inches from my ears. I will remain pure using this regime of self-indoctrination.
This has been radio country for the past 30 years. I've been waiting for a moment where people would notice it. All of it on the radio is either a glorification of alcoholism or winking fascist suburban drivel pretending to be rural working class. I hate that Luke Bryan guy the most, maybe Toby Keith more? I hate how all the radio stations present country as some moral alternative to other forms of music, or that you've got something to learn from Florida Georgia Line.
I say this with no exaggeration, every country song on the radio right now is white supremacist anthems, or it's something innocuous enough that it doesn't bother them.
CMT: you can't just go that mask-off these days y'all
modern country music fans: mask-off? we don't have any masks
My psycho MAGA manager was already going off about this today. It's all so tiresome. I wish nothing but misery on these people.
There are worse songs than that. Having lived in the South and been subject to other people's radios I've heard all manner of unhinged talk shows and songs about "if the south woulda won!"
The westoid power fantasy of justifying a beat down. "I wish a motherfucker would" wearing the disguise of some shitkicker town aesthetic. Lmao.
wearing the disguise of some shitkicker town aesthetic
People don't even look like that in those places. They look like the people on King of the Hill, or Trailer Park Boys.
Yeah, the cowboy boots and stetson thing is upper-middle income Texans with 70k financed trucks that you can't fit one sheet of OSB in.
You're not wrong, but also I wish that capitalism would be incarnated as a giant 7 headed white guy in an ill fitting suit that I could hit with a sword until it died.
So a real life Jimmy Rebel. You've got to be kidding me.