my understanding is that this doesn't work out in practice, much the same way Christian teachings are ignored or "loopholes" are found. but boy is that the exact right attitude, on paper, to have towards money.
my understanding is that this doesn't work out in practice, much the same way Christian teachings are ignored or "loopholes" are found. but boy is that the exact right attitude, on paper, to have towards money.
They would, it would just be grounded in kinship. How often have you lended a friend money not actually super concerned with whether or not you get paid back? Or, for a more socialist alternative, a lending cooperative could view no-interest loans as a social good and see defaults as the price of a healthy society.
i'd love public banking and i'd love a society where intimacy and trust were cardinal, but i'm not sure that those are identical with, or produced by, at the margin, frequent jubilees.