I'm about to perform my first trick. If I could have a participant from this website raise their hand or come on up to the stage.
I'm about to perform my first trick. If I could have a participant from this website raise their hand or come on up to the stage.
Excellent. For my next wellusion I'm going to put your minds back together. Using historical dialectics I actually knew SodaBitch was going to be here today. So I invited their boss up here. Come on up, Bossman!
Hey everybody. I just really love small businesses and metaphysical thought.
Oh wow, Bossman. I had noooo idea. I really was sick when I left work early, heheh.
Hahaha, I see you're more of an illusionist than myself, SodaBitch. Now, YourBelovedBoss, take out your wallet with all your cash that you own.
It's empty. All my money's gone?
turns wallet upside down and shakes it a little visibly
SodaBitch, take out your purse and show and tell the audience if you notice anything unusual.
There seems to be an extra $500 in there.
Exactly! That's the surplus value that your boss has stolen from you over the past 4.125 days! On top of your wage they had you work roughly twice as long throughout the day to pay their own "wage" in the form of profits! I made it appear through wellness magic and dialectics back into your own wallet.
I want my money back.
Oh wowwww. This is great. But aren't wellusionists supposed to never reveal their tricks?