I don't even know where to begin. I suspect I could buy these by the shipping container load and import them. But I have no idea what permits I need.

I also need to find funding.

Been doing research though. I think I could set myself up as an arms importer with the proper federal fire arms license. Still checking the legality of giving guns to people. I might have to sell them at a nominal fee (like $1) and ask for the $25 to run the federal background check

  • longhorn617 [any]
    4 years ago

    Where is “the left” getting armaments to begin with?

    Did you read OPs post?

    A single night could deplete most civilian ammo stockpiles regardless of the caliber. And after that again, where there is ammo to “pick up”, there would be rifles.

    Dead solider/militamen, raids of government armories/stockpiles, and stealing shipments. Which, again, is why it's important to be using the common cartridge used by the military and law enforcement.

      • longhorn617 [any]
        4 years ago

        What do they keep in armories? Who is guarding those shipments?

        How exactly do you plan on capturing an armory when you have no ammo because the government shutdown 7.62x39 production and importation?

        The only person being intentionally obtuse here is you. What's the point of making a post about "arming the left" in your mind? What exactly is the motive behind that?

        Anyway, I don’t think this is a good thing to be focused on and certainly not posting about, even hypothetically. Firearm training needs to be focused on self defense, and community defense.

        Oh, OK, in that case, I recommend everyone go out and buy 10/22s to defend their community.

        And I am saying you are wrong, because someone who has one rifle and has put 1k rds downrange with another 1k in a can is more valuable than someone who buys an AR right now and can only find/ afford a few hundred rounds. Even in your more extreme scenarios, a small personal stockpile could potentially mean making it through the first few months of conflict before those stockpiles are secured. It’s a matter of having something or not for most people right now.

        The context of this post isn't about individual choices. It's about arming a group en masse. Individually, sure, buy whatever you can afford. Collectively, arming leftist en masse with a rifle chambered in a caliber that the federal government could easily shut down production of with no pain to itself is an incredibly stupid strategy. No you collectively need new guns and ammo, I stead of just ammo.