The hostility. The condescension. Accusations of racism. Accusations of sexism. Being called a Russian agent. Being blamed for Trump's victory. Threats of violence. Ostracism or banning from communities I've been a part of for years.

Nothing really changed with conservatives. They hated me when I was a lib, they hated me now. But holy shit, when I started talking actual leftism around libs, it was like I was leaving a cult.

    • LatheOfLeavenedBread [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yea this is exactly it. Liberals grow up thinking they’re fighting for what’s good, right, moral, whatever. When they eventually learn about how fucked the world is, outlets like Freakonomics or authors like Steven Pinker, or tycoons like Musk step in to tell them it’s actually a pretty great system and changing it not only will lead to mass starvation but also to no more political rights. They convince themselves that as bad as things are now, things are slowly getting better and that this is the most moral (but also intelligent) position to take. So when you bring up American led or supported genocide and starvation in Yemen or wholesale death and destruction in Iraq, you’re immediately dismissed as a naive person who just doesn’t get what’s at stake.

      No liberal, we understand what’s at stake. You don’t. Merely thinking about the possibility of a better world makes you nervous. We know a better world is possible.