Totally improved on the concept laid down by the first game and made it not so jank and eased up on the "dis"honorable stuff you could do in a fight. I think this person hacked the game so they have infinite sub weapons. Characters could throw a sub weapon during a fight but it was limited, things like tantos, shuriken, and even frogs as you can see here. The frog was op because it made the opponent defenseless for a couple seconds.

  • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Never played 2 but I played the shit outta the first one. The blood splatter for a fatal hit was much more satisfying.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      7 months ago

      I remember in the first one you could clip the weapon into your opponents dead body during the victory pose and it made the game go crazy playing the blood animation lol