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    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 years ago

      The Libertarian Extropians and the Neolib H+ (formerly the Democratic Transhumanists) guys were the main groups in the early 2000s, after the decay of the right and left hippies surrounding the L5 Society and FM-2030. There was a short lived fash movement (The Prometheans) but it got kicked out fast.

      The former either devolved to full randroids, went chud, or went full death eater and founded the core of NRx (Michael Anissimov has the best character arc of all time.) The latter are centrist "better angels of our nature" types who love the EU neolibs and are still around but basically stuck in useless wonk and academia circles.

      And of course the (kinda) less crazy Yudkowskian Singularitarians went into the "Rationalist" and "Effective Altruism" communities and still have their West coast stronghold.

      There have always been a plurality of Leftist/Demsoc/Mutualist Transhumanists, especially in the biohacking groups and the old hacker communities. But we've always been shunted into one group or another based on tech affinity and not political ideology, and especially in Libcom circles Transhumanism is looked at askance, partially because it's associated with NRx and Ancaps, partially because of the deep strain of primitivist influence.

      It's a shame, because it's something that should be a part of the FALGSC mileau.