• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    Farmers in Tibet: In the first seven months of this year over 500,000 rural Tibetan labourers have been pushed into military-style training centres.

    Love the imagery. Being a farmer means you're in prison.

    The founder of the alliance of MPs, Sir Iain Duncan Smith has urged the IOC to reconsider Beijing as the host of the Olympic Winter Games in 2022. MPs from New Zealand, the Netherlands and the UK have questioned whether the games can continue in China amid the growing human rights concerns and restrictions on freedom of the press.

    You know, part of me wants to be angry at these fucking libs for the endless Sinophobic smear campaigns. But another part of me is just dumbfounded by the feckless cowardice of their proposals.

    In response to an alleged Chinese holocaust in Tibet, the response is to maybe consider discussing the possibility of cancelling the next Olympics. We just need to ask our corporate sponsors for permission first.

    Liberal MP Dave Sharma, who led the International Division of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, said a boycott would harden nationalist views in China, escalate a "cold-war mentality" and thwart attempts to moderate the Chinese Communist Party's actions in the region.

    The absolute gall of an Australian MP talking about another country's hardening nationalism and lack of moderate governance.

    I really wonder if Park Chung-hee or Augusto Pinochet or Pieter Willem Botha ever had one of their lackeys bang some smug shit like this out in a press release.

    On Tuesday, a prominent critic of China's President Xi Jinping, Ren Zhiqiang, was sentenced to 18 years in jail for embezzling more than $10 million and taking $255,000 in bribes. The sentence came months after he described Xi as "a clown" in a highly critical essay on his response to the coronavirus crisis.

    Carl Minzner, a professor of Chinese law at Fordham University, said the jailing of the property tycoon with high-profile party links sent a message that dissent would not be tolerated.

    :che-smile: :mao-aggro-shining: :maduro_coffee:

    • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      love that ending. man gets jailed mere months after calling Xi a clown, and for what? Embezzling 10 million dollars?

      "This is a very high ranking businessman. Many thought he was untouchable but he takes a stand against Xi and he gets 18 years in prison. He has been made an example of," Minzner said from Taipei.

      waaahh why aren't high ranking businessmen untouchable? we create so much value!

      criminal justice machine go burrrrrrrrr

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        It's endlessly frustrating to watch people insist "China's socialist revolution failed! They're all just capitalists now!" Then point to something like this. And the response is "Oh, that's just authoritarianism."

        Motherfuckers, what do you think Real Socialism would even look like? Is everything just going to be co-ops and bake sales to fund the fire department? Do you assholes even read theory?

        • butt [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Yes but have you considered china bad because reasons

        • agoddamncheeto [any]
          4 years ago

          Idk I still believe real Socialism doesn’t automatically lead to authoritarianism. Coops, workers councils etc. like if they vote to send the bourgeoisie to labor camps that’s democracy baby. This is just straight up xenophobia. If China was really serious about this communism thing they would welcome in the proletariat Tibetans and Uyghurs . I guess the Chinese characteristics means communism just for ethic Chinese.

          • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
            4 years ago

            Idk I still believe real Socialism doesn’t automatically lead to authoritarianism.

            I believe it'll get called authoritarianism, regardless of how it manifests. Guys at his level are just allowed to rob you. If you complain about it, that's fine. But you're not allowed to actually do anything.

            like if they vote to send the bourgeoisie to labor camps that’s democracy baby

            That's a Kangaroo Court and a Lynch Mob. Are you with Atticus Finch or are you with the Terrorists?

            If China was really serious about this communism thing they would welcome in the proletariat Tibetans and Uyghurs .

            What makes you think they haven't? They're attempting to integrate these communities with Mandarian language based education, they're extending infrastructure westward to allow for more expedient travel and trade, and they're expanding anti-poverty initiatives to improve quality of life.

            Quite a bit of this reactionary "China is throwing everyone in prisons!" shit is a direct response to a new cultural crusade out of Beijing intended to more firmly unify the nation.

          • bamboo68 [none/use name,any]
            4 years ago

            wow thats a very conveient belief for you to have, the CIA thanks you for being so naive

            I guess the Chinese characteristics means communism just for ethic Chinese.

            are you trying to say Han here? IDK man maybe you just dont know what the fuck youre talkign about huh? cause affirmative action is BIG deal in China and directly and massively materially benefits all non Han groups

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Why would it be a disaster? Because the rest of the world has zealously outsourced manufacturing capacity to a population it saw as captured and incapable of revolt. Christ, is there another instance in which western capitalists outsourced technology and industrial capacity to a country they'd assumed had been cowed in prior decades, only to have that nation rapidly militarize and dominate a continent?

        glances at Fascist Germany and, subsequently, Soviet Russia. And Saudi Arabia and Iraq, for that matter.

        Western governments are currently scrambling to move industrial capacity from China to India. But India's already in the fascist pipeline (and increasingly hostile to China/Pakistan, for that matter). How long till we have another World War between powers westerners juiced up with industrialization?