It’s like the opposite of what happened with bernie. The flesh eating libs are refusing to rally around the senile old man after seeing just how incompetent he is, but they cannot get the john oliver reddit crowd to admit that dems need a replacement. It’s like watching a golem inevitably destroy its creator, it’s kind of beautiful actually.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    8 months ago

    The blame list in order of who they'll blame most

    1. Palestinians in general/Arabs in Michigan
    2. The "left"
    3. Black people
    4. "Traitorous" Queer people
    5. "Traitorous" Hispanics
    6. Poor whites "fooled" by Drumpf
    7. The pundit class for daring to question Biden's competency
      8 months ago

      Basically they'll just blame "the left" (reminder that the left essentially doesn't exist in the US. Certainly it has no political power. There are like 5 vaguely socdem people in congress and that's it)

      There has been an ongoing McCarthyite anti-communism or really just anti-left hegemony since the last Red Scare that has only recently in the last ~10 years started to fracture even in the slightest where it has become acceptable in non-MSM to discuss obvious concepts like the adversarial relationship between labor and owner classes. This simultaneously scares all the olds and, strong Venn diagram overlap (shoutout Kamala she loves Venn diagrams) infuriates them.

      There's absolutely going to be more and more overt oppression to anything "left." "No more Marxist studies?" One might be tempted to think... nah. Remember the liberals, reactionaries they are, consider everything on that list to be "left." The republicans/far right liberals have already begun this strong overt McCarthy revival in earnest and recently on the issue of Zionism and its utter rejection by younger Americans the democrats/liberals have thrown out any and all notion of having tolerance for any sort of left movements or even leftist study, thought, etc. And to them, one can't forget, non-"Western" aka non-white centric thought, non-USA dominant thought, etc. in that vein, is "leftist thought" that more and more are simply saying "no more" to.

      The far right in the US has totally and fully taken over the window of acceptable discourse, again seen most recently regarding Israel and Palestine, and the resolution to this will be more and more harsh state pressure placed on people who continue to not simply shut the fuck up about the evils of empire. They'll all be called "the left" and all actions seen as necessary to shut them up will be employed... by people with D or R after their names.

      The outcome could be a full unification of all the vaguely-left movements and sort of a "Castro being forced to go commie" moment.... but, the more likely outcome considering the current political miseducation situation in the US and the lack of any socialist, communist, or even leftist anarchist substantial organization is mass (further) oppression based on identities you listed, strict outlawing or other subduing of all leftist discourse (or anything close: labor unions banned from discussing real, actual labor dynamics), etc.

      In short, massive purges, crushing all budding organization, similar to the past but because there doesn't really exist the organization that had existed in the past (black panthers, etc.) to be crushed, the crushing will be much more random-seeming, more broadly applied, what is seen or deemed of "the left" will be a wide wide net and has all the potential to just spiral in straight mass hysteria of "Chinese infiltration!"

      I hope all of that doesn't happen, but at this point what other direction seems possible and probable... the only question is the timeline of events.

      In the most short: we're fucked. This isn't dooming, I see potential ways out and we should be pushing for whatever holds off the worst excesses of liberal hysteria, it's just the way things are going. I wish it weren't true, I wish we had a solid core of dedicated would-be soldiers in the future protracted people's war... but that's just wishing and dreaming.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        8 months ago

        The nascent American left has always had one route of response to this explosion of American fascism, which is the same one it had at the height of McCarthyism, but it's one it refuses to take thanks in large part to de facto segregation in general and in leftist spaces and a pervasive paternalistic racialized attitude that mirrors DNC attitudes

        Organizing in black communities and black spaces, the largest demographic cohort that is open to radicalization and zeitgeist shifting revolutionary movement (its not a coincidence the most radical movements in American history have been anchored to political developments in the Black community)

        It's also not a coincidence progressive bernie-style politics ate shit in South Carolina and past to the dustbin of history, while the George Floyd Rebellions still has the elites in both parties shook 4 years later