Where do we begin with Elon Musk? This guy sucks. He really does. He’s a business magnate that wants to be Robert House, not realizing how much Robert House was an asshole. Imagine basing your politics of a vidya. While his cars are nice, he’s abusive to his staff, randomly fires people, and he takes all the credit for any successes in his companies. Give him your worst

  • Not_irony [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I really don't understand why someone like Elon Musk doesn't take $100k per year ($1 million over ten years, so fucking pocket change) and actually do some good in the world. Like, no real good, like advocating for a better world or anything crazy like that. I know why he doesn't do that shit.

    I'm just talking about like hiring a bunch of people to paint an old persons house. Or making a big show of donating to a zoo so they can build a new monkey cage. Just like send some person on twitter $1000, three times a day for a year. Like, this sort of "i'm a good billionaire" is dirt cheap, and it would be easy to hide the actual amount of money so that people don't get too interested in how much you "aren't" giving away.

    Billy Gates has the right idea with his Foundation and making a big show of it. Elon could do that, but send every fan of Rick and Morty a nurf gun, or something.

      • Not_irony [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, considering how cheap it would be to pay off a worth while chunk of the public, I figure it just because they don't feel the need to waste their time on the lowly public. We're just disgusting animals, or something in their minds.

        I guess its obvious when you look at how they spend their money building up systems and actual walls to protect themselves from us. worldwarzantzombies.gif

    • Vayeate [they/them]
      4 years ago

      estimates have musk at donating over $100 million to charity, and he's pledged half of his net worth to charity, which would probably come out at around $50 billion