Where do we begin with Elon Musk? This guy sucks. He really does. He’s a business magnate that wants to be Robert House, not realizing how much Robert House was an asshole. Imagine basing your politics of a vidya. While his cars are nice, he’s abusive to his staff, randomly fires people, and he takes all the credit for any successes in his companies. Give him your worst

  • PurrLure [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Green energy is when you use the same dirty fuel sources as everyone else and then transform it into electricity, and the more you bullshit about it the greener it is.

    I would highly encourage everyone to watch Planet of the Humans. It's free and lays out why green capitalism sucks ass. No, the "smart" billionaires are not going to pull a magical solution to climate change out of their asses, much less Elon Musk.