• grisbajskulor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm not telling them how to do anything, I'm just posting online. I disagree with their tactics and I'm voicing my disagreement here, as are many others, which is totally fair game. It sounds like you're insinuating people are being racist for disagreeing with black women, which is super lib shit. Listen to basically any black anti-capitalist and they will warn of liberal identity politics distracting from the real problem (racist capitalism). "Woke points" are ABSOLUTELY being scored by capitalists EVERY DAY and this needs to be called the fuck out. YES that includes black capitalists!

    More importantly, every black woman / gender fluid person I know / have met at protests / have seen on twitter emphasize the point that if anything, white people should organize to the front, as like I said, cops are less likely to hurt white people. <-- this is the predominant point I've heard people make and I agree with this much more than the tweet posted above.

    Though my own personal opinion (if I'm allowed to have one lol) is that in a protest it doesn't really matter that much, from my experience I've seen pigs beating people pretty indiscriminately.

    • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Do you think the black women pictured are ignorant of what you've said? Do you think that maybe they knowingly chose to put themselves at risk, perhaps for a reason?

      The only mention of racism here came from you, btw.

      I’m not telling them how to do anything, I’m just posting online. I disagree with their tactics and I’m voicing my disagreement here

      This is cowardly hair splitting. You're not telling them how to do anything, you're just posting online that they shouldn't be doing what they are doing.

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The subject of this thread is race and idpol so I assumed your mention of idpol was a race and idpol issue? And no, of course I want them to protest. And I commend them for putting themselves at risk. I just agree with OP that it's a shit tactic and tactical discussion is important for a leftist insurrection to succeed.

        So let's stop the convo right here and say that you won because this is just painfully insignificant IRL - protesting is good, black people are oppressed, capitalism needs to be abolished.

        • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Fair enough. I see black women willfully leading a protest against police murdering a black woman, my first thought is not to criticize them.