Going to a cabin in the woods Airbnb with a friend. I plan on music and good snacks, but otherwise don't really know how to set a good vibe.

How long does it last?

Recommended movies or other activities?

Edit: great tips and advice all around. My friend is not 100% sure they want to partake, so it might have to want for another weekend. I'll post updates if it happens

Edits: ya know a lot about drugs 🧐

    • YoungMarxBans [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Weed can really jack up a trip though, heads up. For people who smoke a lot, it can be relaxing, but for people who aren't as prepared, it can take the whole experience to 11, and some people aren't prepared for that.

        • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          did this the first time i did acid, had to excuse my friend (he lived across the street and dosed with me) and go to my room, where the absolute state of the mess (coupled with friday night traffic on a busy urban campus) caused me to decohere into a puddle of quivering anxiety and noneuclidean spacetime. This lasted for a perceived eternity (but really only an hour) and then i was right as rain the rest of the night. Buddy was fine (made it across the street safely)