I already run, but I would like to incorporate some total body strength training. Just to stay health and build enough strength to be able to stay fit and limber. I’ve got that “Homemade Muscle” book that seems to be what I’m looking for, but want to see if you all have any recommendations.

I’m also trying to figure if there’s some low cost equipment I should add that would help. Like those variable weight dumbells, I think I could afford those. But a full set a weight plates is well beyond what I can afford.

  • Owl [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Doesn't the squat rack have plates already? It's not really doing much if it doesn't?

    Normally I'd second getting one of those variable weight dumbbells, but if you already have a barbell it's kind of redundant.

    My favorite cheap piece of equipment are those sliding disks for doing mountain climbers and stuff. But if you have smooth enough floors, they're competing with wearing socks, which is cheaper.

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Nope, just the rack (part of why it was free). There’s actually a lot you can do with just a rack, pull-ups and similar exercises for example.