To which I say… bring it on! While I know the attack will be nothing more than red baiting, it would amazing if people actually started looking into what he’s actually been writing about and saying. My understanding is that he’s a Marxian economist and not, say, a Marxist philosopher or whatever. And - much like Marx himself - Kamala’s dad is far more focused on critiques of actually existing capitalism than how to bring about communism.

Hilarious if the GOP starts to make the campaign about him, then people actually see what he says and then they’re like “hang on a sec, let him cook this stuff he’s saying about how the economy actually works makes sense to me.”

Edit: I added the quotes around “has a Marxist dad” in the title because, now that I’m doing some research, I don’t see anywhere where he’s self-identified as a Marxist. It appears he uses Marx’s analytic tools and speaks highly of Marx, but I also wouldn’t want to put words in his mouth. There are plenty of academics in economics and other fields like history and anthropology who think highly of Marx and apply his methods but wouldn’t consider themselves Marxists.

    7 months ago

    It really is. One of the better stand alone quotes, but probably my bias there. Also the competition isn't good.

    Top contenders George W "Now watch this drive!" tees off

    Or Trump's "Wow. I'm just hearing this for the first time..." almost sarcastic comment about RBG dying

    Obama "you didn't build that!" (Right wingers melted the fuck down over that one. The slight suggestion that petite bourgeois aren't creators of small businesses but rather workers melted so so many brains)

    Biden's "awhfgtbsakawhjsshhbabs... anyway..."

    Or who could forget the all time classic from the Queen without a crown herself "We came. We saw. He died." cackles