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    • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Thanks for the extra info

      Np, though with the exception of people advocating ditching Hololive China, take everything I wrote with a grain of salt. I'm fairly confident most of what I know is true, but at the same time the information is being filtered through people who aren't being very calm on top of a lot of information having to be translated between 3 different languages and interpreted by 3 different cultures who clearly don't always see eye to eye, so there's a good chance that some details have been skewed or left out. On top of that, the actual streams that caused the problems were archived and made private before anyone could clip them, so almost no one seems to actually know what precisely was said or done by the vtubers to cause this situation.

      it’s fascinating to see the same sort of overblown hysteria gamers had towards Jack Thompson or Anita Sarkeesian being directed towards geopolitics

      That's what people get for developing their understanding of the world purely off of memes and right wing propaganda I suppose. Seriously though, people were spamming braindead Taiwanese nationalist memes and propaganda on the official Hololive subreddit which is run directly by Hololive. Hololive is presumably trying to smooth over issues with Chinese fans and the Chinese corporations they work with, so having Hololive's official subreddit overrun with anti-China weebs is only going to hurt them in that regard (and by extension, the vtubers these weebs claim to care about), though Hololive's mods seem to have finally gotten their act together and started purging the flood of anti-China posts. Also, it's just sad seeing people try to own a super power through the same 3 stale memes every time a situation like this happens. Like bitch, shut the fuck up, Whiney the Pooh was never banned in China and Xi Jinping doesn't give a shit, go away and actually read a book or at least come up with a better joke ffs.

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Also, it’s just sad seeing people try to own a super power through the same 3 stale memes every time a situation like this happens.

        It's basically just the same Western slacktivist mindset that was behind Kony2012. "Guys, by posting and consuming we can totally nab this child abusing warlord!!!!"

        In the mix are also embarrassing "THEY TARGETED GAMERS. GAMERS" type delusions of grandeur, Western chauvinism and over a hundred years of ingrained anti-communist fearmongering