I'd kill to look like that but I assume drugs are involved.

Also I'm 35 and waaaaay out of shape (like walking up stairs or fairly short distance gives me sore muscles the next day lol and im over 350 lbs of almost all fat) so idk if like the timeline age wise would be bad.

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      7 months ago

      He does! He looks like a beast! And I think if he wanted to keep cutting more weight he could, but his persona and profession as a big guy rapper and barbecue food reviewer probably keeps him on the thick side. Plenty of people go further than him.

      I think he's documented what he did to achieve that pretty well, although of course he has the advantage over you that he's probably very rich so can eat right, get a PT, not do a 9-5, and so on.

      I'd love to be of more help but cardio isn't my thing so much... All I can say is start small, doing something is better than doing nothing. Strive to walk places - just 30 minutes to an hour every day can make a huge difference. Then you could incorporate small box jumps/step ups at some point in your journey on a curb or a tree stump or something. Could bring a resistance band with you, do something with that.

      Once you feel like you've got the rhythm of it nailed down, get one of those medicine balls perhaps. It's good hybrid strength/cardio work. You could graduate to the hammer thingys that Action Bronson uses in no time.

      Just stay consistent. Keep building it up over time at your own pace. Don't make it something you dread. I used to use my home workouts as my Hearthstone hour. I'd do a set, then take my turn in the game, and repeat until I was done.