I'd kill to look like that but I assume drugs are involved.

Also I'm 35 and waaaaay out of shape (like walking up stairs or fairly short distance gives me sore muscles the next day lol and im over 350 lbs of almost all fat) so idk if like the timeline age wise would be bad.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    6 months ago

    I'd be about 53. Maybe I'd have to adjust it earlier. Maybe later. I just think that my body composition towards strength is not technically optimal for health in the long run, versus an older body focusing on cardio and mobility.

    Also the high protein and fat diet I'm on is probably also not ideal for my heart and stuff.. I should change it up a bit sooner than later.

    Testosterone will drop more and more by that point too, making the 'gains life' quite simply not what my body is meant to be doing at that stage. It'll be bodyweight stuff, swimming, and yoga, for me. I'll see when I get there.