I tried to keep the communist language as low key as possible, but I was in a thread I made about what could convince a leftist to vote for Biden, because I'm hearing some reasonable arguments from people I trust and respect. A progressive friend of mine (who's more left than like say, a Hillary supporter, but not any type of leftist) made some valid arguments about centrism and having to "play it safe" that I won't get into.

I've been dealing with a relatively severe manic episode the past few days, and I just let out a multiparagraph tirade about, "I understand wanting to appear moderate, but I'm fed up with capitalism, liberalism, and people being reactionary fucks. I wish we were already at the point where we could see that the whole Liberal-Conservative sham is what's keeping us sick, poor, and two paychecks away from homelessness." I didn't say anything about the USSR or Castro, but I also implied class struggle and how that should be our goal.

Eh, a pretty active thread with like 10 commenters haven't interacted in like an hour and a half, I hope I didn't completely alienate the rest of the people in my life, lol.

  • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    That was part of what I was wanting to accomplish. Yeah I let slip that I've gotten radicalized and I'm frustrated at the machine that is capitalism, which could be cringe to liberals who pride themselves on rationalism and compromise. But I also wanted to display, "Hey, if we were to juuuuuust take a peek at what's outside of capitalism, we could make things better for all of us. And that's why I don't trust Joe Biden, because he's only served the rich and the white his entire career, and I'm pissed off that in order to slow down fascism, I have to vote for this fucking guy because y'all asses aren't with the program yet and I don't want to end up in a camp."

    Edit: And thanks for the support. Despite this patch that I'm in currently, I AM on an upward trend. Back on meds and almost on a normal sleep schedule. Next is getting some exercise and then trying to get a job again.