I tried to keep the communist language as low key as possible, but I was in a thread I made about what could convince a leftist to vote for Biden, because I'm hearing some reasonable arguments from people I trust and respect. A progressive friend of mine (who's more left than like say, a Hillary supporter, but not any type of leftist) made some valid arguments about centrism and having to "play it safe" that I won't get into.

I've been dealing with a relatively severe manic episode the past few days, and I just let out a multiparagraph tirade about, "I understand wanting to appear moderate, but I'm fed up with capitalism, liberalism, and people being reactionary fucks. I wish we were already at the point where we could see that the whole Liberal-Conservative sham is what's keeping us sick, poor, and two paychecks away from homelessness." I didn't say anything about the USSR or Castro, but I also implied class struggle and how that should be our goal.

Eh, a pretty active thread with like 10 commenters haven't interacted in like an hour and a half, I hope I didn't completely alienate the rest of the people in my life, lol.

  • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    That sucks, and confronting that shit is so uncomfortable. Idk the overall leanings of your family, but my family is EXTREMELY hard right. Both of my brothers are hailing Rittenhouse and calling for antifa to be put down violently. It's really scary and sad. One of my brothers went to jail for a year for killing a dude with his car. My grandpa was in the literal KKK and was involved with plans to bomb school buses that transported black kids. He also went to prison for robbing a bank. I have cousins with white prison gang tattoos, and an uncle who married a disabled woman for her social security check (that one doesn't really fit but it's still fucked up lol)

    • scramplunge [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Wow! That’s a lot to deal with. I’m sorry you have to be apart of that. Do you have anyone in your family on your side?

      My brother is a capitalist and so he benefits from this system and listens to right wing radio every day. He’s always been a hateful bastard. My other brother is on the streets smoking heroin every day, he’s also racist. I’m the only one who actively searches the city for him. My alive grandpa is a Trump supporter and would have killed me if we both lived in nazi Germany. Worked for the railroad and told me about all the racist shit he used to do at work and I remember arguing about how terrible that was at like age 8 as my mom sat back in silence and told a child “not to talk about politics.” I don’t even know what my mom believes to be honest. I think she’s becoming more lib the older she gets. She was so proud to tell me about the “racial sensitivity” training she took at work and I told her it only means as much as you’re willing to call it out in your own family and I don’t see that happening. Because “we shouldn’t talk about politics at the dinner table.” Other family members are mostly just pieces of shit and I don’t relate to them so we don’t talk.