decades of science being done and where the fuck is a drug to stop you getting tolerance to weed? If it were so great we'd have one by now

  • §ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ
    5 months ago

    Well, tolerance is a pretty wild construct. For some substances it's physical, with others it's mental, and some are a mix of the two. I know with alcohol, it's primarily a mental tolerance. This why some folks blow something insane like a 0.2 BAC. I believe with weed it's more a combo, but when you smoke different strains, it highlights different subserotonin receptors. This is basically natures natural loop hole in mental tolerance. As you change up what specific neurons are being activated, based on the terpene profile in the herb, it works around tolerence while also changing up the experience. So no need to research it more than that I'd think, right?