Lmao venturing out into the other instances results in instant contact with brainworms. Thank god there's some sane people out there combating lib nonsense.
What leads people to believe that being an ancap isn't right wing? It's utterly delusional and a complete misunderstanding of the most basic political ideas. There's so much of this shit in that thread, idk why I even looked, it's just pure reddit-isms the whole way down.
The bare minimum of leftism is being anti-capitalist. By definition capitalism is to the right of leftism.
I’m as left as it gets…… BUT *reverberating into the farthest edges of the universe *
For many reddit-brained epic politics understanders right wing only refers to culturally conservative people, so if they were nominally for gay rights, had a "black friend" and smoked weed they felt the most radical left wingers ever. Don't ask about the underlying systems of oppression criminalising drugs or upholding racism and homophobia, though. Only surface level vibes for these people.
Oh yeah, I saw the dumbest fucking take (that thankfully got nuked) in r/LSC where some politics understander waltzed into the thread declaring that American politics have shifted left. His reasoning is this:
-Obama in 2008 said a marriage is between a man and a woman
-Trump in 2016 said he recognizes gay marriage
Therefore America as a whole was sliding left. American education system working as intended.
Only surface level vibes for these people.
It sounds like a meme at this point, but it really does seem like it's true.
I've been running into a crazy amount of reddit brainworms in the federated instances recently. Yesterday I ran into someone who said trans rights were controversial and comming out in favor of protecting them would hurt the dems, so they shouldn't mention them
a lot of "progressives" have taken up this stance because they got permission to from The Young Turks, who took a transphobic turn a few years back. complaining about the term "birthing person" as if it fucking matters, then going on to tell their audience "trans sports just isn't a winning issue, we need to focus on something else". that and their hatred for the homeless lmao.
Just wanna point out ol' Cenk was always shitty about trans people. I remember (internet cringe memory) The Amazing Atheist of all people criticizing Cenk back in the late 2000s for being anti-trans.
Are the Young Turks still influential? It seems to be an issue that goes up to the highest level of the Dems. Hillary said the same thing a couple years ago.
Reminds me of people about Israel Palestine. 'Its complicated'. If you think it's complicated to oppose human rights or to stand against genocide... At the bare minimum, remove yourself from my presence
what they really mean is, they're 1. uninformed, and 2. too fucking stupid and spineless to say "nah" when someone accuses them of being antisemitic
One gratifying aspect of our rise to some prominence is that, for the first time in my memory, we, "our side," had captured a crucial word from the enemy.
"Libertarians" had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists, that is for anti-private property anarchists, either of the communist or syndicalist variety. But now we had taken it over.
— Murray Rothbard
What did he mean by this?
If the enemy is the left wing, according to Rothbard, then what side is he talking about when he refers to "our side"?Perhaps this is a mystery for the ages...
Do the workers own the means of production or not? To what degree is production privatized, and in which direction is the government fighting?
The definition of socialism is so simple and yet people fail to understand it again and again, replacing it with aesthetics
there isn't just a socialism button countries can push. building socialism is a dialectical process. workers don't own the means of production in china, but that doesn't mean china isn't a marxist government building towards a socialist state. the definition of socialism may be simple but material reality isn't.
The sticking point with lolbertarians is capitalism. The “personal freedom” that it offers is ultimately in the service of capital as they are deluded enough to believe that capitalism doesn’t need a state or similar kind of entity in order to function or be enforced, it is just ‘human nature’.
But the reason that they believe it isn’t right wing is because they see right wing as the state doing things and the more things a state does the more X wing it is. Unironically. But they usually put the libertarians in the right and statists on the left though.