I know its a conspiracy theory. But does it have any real world consequences (i.e. people taking it seriously)? Should we care about it or will it blow over. many thanks and have a great day :)

  • threshold [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Any and all elites (mainly Hollywood/Washington libs, occasionally Epstein adjacents when it suits them) are pedophiles. There are courageous far right politicians who are working to dismantle these evil individuals communicating incredibly hard to decipher dogwhistles. And then there's vigilantes sorry, patriots who will attack random establishments or people on behalf of Q.

    Also, institutional sexual abuse doesn't exist when right wing figures do it. Then they're troubled apolitical individuals.

    I believe one piece of propaganda that's been getting more circulation is that a bunch of actors were on Epstein flight logs- that weren't the actual people on the flight logs. Clinton, Alec Baldwin, Chris Tucker are the ones on the legit flight logs, Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey, Stephen Colbert are on the very dodgy probably fake ones (not ruling them out as sex pests, it's just probably not real in this case)