So due to various reasons I don’t really care if my entire family gets tied to train tracks and run over tomorrow, but I still think it’s blithely comedic

Now that my dad is entering the Biden stage of his life, my siblings have started to fight over who gets what (By which I mean the shitty furniture in the house; also I got cut off a long time ago lmao markkks-juggalo)

Apparently my brother is now demanding “unpaid rent” (at $3000 a month, over 16 years) from my dad because he lived with him and had to deal with the “mental anguish” and “caretaking responsibilities”.

The kicker is that my dad was always whining year after year about him living in his house and threatening to kick him out time after time (he never did). My brother was always whining about living with the old man too (he has his own house sitting empty that he can move to at any moment). They basically live entirely separately within the house lol.

It also came out that he was also siphoning money out of dad’s account (in addition to half of the pension that he somehow convinced dad to give him). Now my sister is mad and saying she should get the other half.

I found out about all of this after he sent me a five figure “invoice” for “caretaking services”

  • UlyssesT
    4 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • pooh [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Sounds like your brother needs a horse kick to the face. Not saying your sister might not also suck, but your brother really sounds like the villain here. I would conspire with your sister to try to deal some justice to him. Or you could always just detach from all of them.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Or you could always just detach from all of them.

      I have. Since they don’t know my phone number they just send angry letters in the mail about this or that. Sometimes I even read and chuckle at them before chucking them in the trash.

      The “invoice” got my attention, but I’m not being dragged back into that. Frankly they deserve each other.

      Only reason I posted about this latest stunt is because I think it really lays bare how transactional and shallow it all is.

  • LeZero [he/him]
    6 months ago

    also I got cut off a long time ago lmao

    Sounds like the only favor they've done you

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    6 months ago

    If your brother wants to get paid for caretaking, that's between him and Medicare/Medicaid, not you or your father's estate. $3000/month is an ambitious figure and I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun trying to get them to pay retroactively. Might be a good time for you or your sister to get Power of Attorney.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I’m confident he’s well aware he’s not getting that kind of money, he does this kind of thing all the time just to rile people up.

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I am not looking forward to having to go through this with my sister. A long time ago, I wouldn't have any concerns but she married an absolute chud fuck fascist army vet and he'll want to take anything not nailed down. He already convinced her to take my nephew out of her will and put everything in his name.

    She's actually my half sister, which presents another problem for me because her dad will likely be leaving her over $1 million plus assets when he passes away. My dad didn't even have the goddamn common courtesy to tell me he died. This means my sister will have a giant war chest if she decides she wants to contest anything in court.