Was chatting with a bud about whether the Trump 9/11 tweet was the best tweet of all time and reread this thread for the first time in a while. So many banger lines when dude is on he is on.

I never read his responses to his reply guys before I missed those.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    6 months ago

    Earnestpost: In my experience of starting up an off-grid leftist commune, this is what the estimated labor breakdown looked like, averaged out in hours per person per week.

    Building things: 5
    Food prep and cooking: 4
    Doing dishes and other cleanup: 2
    Gathering wood and building fires: 1
    Gardening and composting: 3
    Tending lifestock: 1
    Hauling water: 1
    Resource runs (dumpsters, stores, local businesses): 2
    Making good relations with the neighbors: 2
    Sitting in working groups, councils, or assemblies: 2

    23 hours a week total, and most of it didn't even feel like work.