You are not Winston. You are not in the Party. You are a prole. The party doesn't give a shit about what you think, do or say. The only exception is if you pose a meaningful threat to the Party. In which case, the Republican-Democrat Party, the Capitalist Party of the United States of America will threaten you, disappear you, etc, etc, just like they have done to every threat in American history.
GOOD post
you might like Review of 1984 by Isaac Asimov
I recommend showing this to anyone beginning to question Orwell.
Asimov rules and the Foundation series is one of the best sci-fi series to introduce non-liberal worldviews to someone with.
How so?
It gives a fairly easy to understand look at different eras of civilization encapsulated by different periods after the death of a rome-esque civilization.
It's softer than explaining like imperialism and its reverberating effects to someone and is easy to read since it's just good fucking sci-fi.
I'm not saying it as a replacement to like theory and education, but it's good for weening someone off stuff like Orwell and Rowling.
Sending a reader down the Asimov path helps open the mind to non-liberal views of society.
I read the book but don't quite see the radicalization potential.
It helped me lol, maybe radicalization wasn't the right word but it definitely set me on the path.
Thanks, that was really interesting