I’m still a firm believer in some cryptids, UFO encounters, and JEFFREY EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Stuff I'd add:

    • Green should also include Exxon's et al.'s astroturfing of climate change denial alongside the big tobacco lying about cancer. Green also needs multiple references to CIA-sponsored coups and "color revolutions".

    • Blue: Needs some plausible variations or substantiated parts of some of the unhinged shit in the yellow and orange tiers. Most of what comes up in pods like TrueAnon belong here, including but not limited to: Gates and other billionaires using philanthropy to dodge taxes and to influence government policy in ex-colonial countries; Ghislaine Maxwell/Victoria's Secret; Epstein's Black Book and private island; Dershowitz; the bizarre euphemisms in the Podesta emails (e.g. "walnut sauce"); and Kubrick's suspicious death after Eyes Wide Shut was released.

    • Pink/violet: The "birds aren't real [since they went extinct in the 1970s], and have been replaced with surveillance drones" joke conspiracy (move to yellow if people literally start believing it and using it to argue against wildlife conservation). Maybe also something about us living inside a Matrix-like computer simulation should go here.