I’m still a firm believer in some cryptids, UFO encounters, and JEFFREY EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF

  • joshieecs [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    I saw the creator of this chart present it a TikTok video (posted on Twitter, naturally). She was not intending to create a consensus about any particular conspiracy theories, she was writing a paper on conspiracy theories and wanted to come up with some kind of reasonably coherent system to do so. And this is what she came up with. So whether you agree or disagree with her illustrative examples, the taxonomy she is presenting is, in my opinion, quite clever.

    The idea would be, if you should find yourself wanting to categorize conspiracy theories, here is a way you could do it. Create your own chart and put the conspiracies where you subjectively think they belong.

    But I as far as I can tell, these are all categorized exactly where I would have put them. Except maybe Hollow Earth. The old Agartha legends probably belongs in the pink zone, but I reckon she means "Nazis Underground in Antarctica" variant of the of Hollow Earth.