
    • KoeRhee [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Taking shit seriously generally means shit like not claiming to be fully recovered right after being treated with a steroid, not using that full recovery as an excuse to leave the hospital 10-14 days before the disease usually reaches its worst point in a given patient. Treatments means shit like taking whatever medicines the physician (who is seeing you 2-3 times a day) says, being less active and putting less strain on the body, taking supplemental oxygen/being put on a ventilator when he needs to be. Risk of death is still very much in play, and whether or not these decisions are made, these treatments provided, in a timely manner affects his odds day by day. Also, this is not just life or death. How well he follows the advice of medical professionals could be the difference between escaping relatively unscathed or coming out with permanent lung damage and an increased probability of blood clots for the rest of his life.