Who the fuck buys this shit? I mean nazis, obviously, but this is so fucking tacky and cringe I shudder to imagine the sort of sad sack that feels the need to mod their 20-year-old game console to affirm their obsessive wehraboo tendencies

These were the among the first suggestions that popped up when I searched for Xbox 360 controller button replacements, btw what-the-hell

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    is there anything specifically Nazi about this besides that his name is German sounding

    I hear "Luger" and I think of the handgun heavily associated with nazis that wehraboos cream themselves over

    Another one that sounds really Nazi is Heinrich. Except that Karl Heinrich Marx died over 30 years before Heinrich Himmler was even born. This is just a case of everything German automatically sounding Nazi. Which, like, safe bet in general, but it's a disservice to automatically associate anything German with Nazis

    You'll notice that the names I associated with nazis were Speer and Luger, not Marx or Heinrich