I am super much not professional at this stuff but I figured I'd give it a go, feel free to use these or edit them or whatever if you like them! Here they are in white.
Lmao just figured it could help get more like minded people on here 😂
O7 good job, comrade. Your contribution to the community is greatly appreciated :)
i saw a watermark on reddit just today. this is a good idea
You are awesome! I was just looking for this today. Should we make it regular practice to link the watermarked meme in the comments?
One step closer to the dream of watermark upon upload - which is one step closer to revolution baby
Here are a couple I threw together, kinda rough because I'm just using my phone. The font color would have to be lighter for darker memes/content though.
Btw you can post the picture inside a post and then get the url and not make the post.
Thanks! Yeah I wasn't sure how it would show up for everyone because the background is transparent, it might be different for everyone!
Yes! Here you go! I haven't been able to figure out the image upload thing you mentioned yet but I'll try to figure it out tomorrow
You are awesome!
- Create Post
- Upload Image to Post
- Copy Link Created in the URL Area of post
- Exit Post
- Paste Link as a comment in og meme post