In other words: What’s a hidden gem I probably haven’t seen but totally should? And why is it a must-watch?

    5 months ago

    Detective Heart of America: The Final Freedom is a comedy film that will either be the funniest thing ever or an absolute cringefest, depending on your opinion of Jason Steele's brand of humor. There is no in-between. It's available to watch for free on YouTube, or whatever alternative frontend you use.

    Jason Steele, AKA FilmCow, you may recognize from YouTube series such as Charlie the Unicorn or Llamas with Hats. Yeah. That guy. Imagine 70 minutes of that.

    The film is a sequel to a pair of 4 minute long shorts (here and here). The film contains characters from these shorts and references events from them. So watching the film without watching the shorts first leads to some characters showing up out of nowhere with unexplained details. But that's how every other character in the movie is, so... whatever, lmao.

    I still recommend watching the shorts first. If nothing else they can serve as an appetizer for you, to decide whether or not it's your cup of tea. The film is the same vibe as the shorts, just longer. If you hate the shorts you will despise the film.

    It's unironically my favorite film, so, I hope you get some amusement out of it. But if you bounce right off, I won't be surprised. If you like it, enjoy quoting every line of it for the next month. If you hate it, sorry for wasting your time.