I made this comment in another thread but I want more of your eyeballs on it, maybe somebody has something useful to say.

I have some serious anxiety about the fact that modern civilization is all of us in a bus driving towards a cliff, with the driver’s foot firmly on the accelerator pedal. Therapy is available to me, but what the fuck are they gonna say? Tune out?

  • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
    4 years ago

    On a large scale, it's really important to remember that "humanity" by and large would love to avert the pending disaster and in reality it's a small minority that is completely willing to drive off a cliff if that means the line goes up. Which means we will see one of two scenarios, either that minority suddenly changes their tune or the majority rises up to subvert the will of absolute ghouls.

    China is begining to lead the charge on scenario #2, and by and large global south is willing to say fuck capitalism if that means we all die. The tide will turn at some point. It's going to be messy, and living in America means we will likely be last in line for change, but change is coming. It's either socialism or barbarism and more and more people are turning towards socialism. It's not going to be easy and there's a chance it will fail but I have faith that we will see a change for the better soon. And until then, I channel my existential dread into trying to build others up and help them see the light.