I came across this video today and was pretty shocked by how all of the jokes that we were making in February, ("Sure, Bernie is behind... but only if you combine the votes of literally every other centrist candidate") ended up happening exactly as we forejoked. Like, literal Jokerfication.
I haven't seen any good articles or videos explaining just how anti-democratic the 2020 primaries were, and I'd love to read someone else's account of the fuckery.
I still have so, so many friends and relatives that think that Bernie lost the primaries fair and square. This feels like Adam McKay talking about how it's been 2 decades after 9/11 and there hasn't been a single non-propaganda movie released about Iraq, and most of the country is too burned out now to revisit that era. I'm worried that 2024 is going to roll around and everyone is going to pretend like the primaries are (and have always been) democratic and fair.
heres a comment i've used on reddit a few time that may be useful:
You're completely ignoring the voter suppression targeted at young people who were more likely to be Bernie voters that occurred during the primaries, for example in texas the amount of polling locations was massively reduced specifically targeting areas with demographically younger populations https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting
As well as instances of ballots not being counted https://www.texastribune.org/2020/03/07/dallas-county-asks-super-tuesday-recount-after-it-missed-ballots/
Also extended waiting times at many locations which disproportionately affected younger voters https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/michigan-polls-democratic-primary-results-bernie-sanders-wait-vote-a9393026.html
That coupled with the media bias makes it pretty obvious that the Corporate democrat establishment was never going to let Bernie win the nomination
Anyone wanting it can dm me and I'll send a link to download a pdf when I get home
Bruh it's over, they were never going to let him win and they will never let anyone like him win. Move on, there is stuff to do outside of elections.
As i mentioned, this isn't for me (I've long since abandoned electoralism in favor of my local mutual aid group), this is for my friends/fam that are still fully faithful to our electoral system.
These also happen to be people that spend all day consuming mainstream media and immediately distrust anything that isn't 'polished', which tends to be a hurdle for most leftist media that is either under- or self-funded.