I have no idea what your talking about.😉
It's just a perfectly normal American house.😉
Somethingawful was an extremely vanilla site for dorks back in the day. This guy built a house badly and ignored building codes and that's the joke. Until this day SA users will double over in laughter and shit themselves when seeing a picture of a badly built house, that was built badly. Eventually SA users became the epic le bacon narwhal guys from reddit. Because wacky things were their sense of humor.
Is there a place I can go to understand groverhaus? It keeps popping up but I was never on somethingawful so I don't get it
The best things about mcmansions is how tiny the garage doors are.
It's a side effect of building your house in the great dismal swamp of Virginia.
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv2F6Wbli58/?igshid=1rn70qihnbzpz This one is dope fight me
it's alright i think
these are just ridiculous https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/By0c8rRgAtW-png__700.jpg https://cdn.ca.emap.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/08/uglybelgianhouses_hannescoudenys_dezeen_784_11_660_283616578.jpg
I pitty the fool teaching a kid how to drive a standard out of that garage.
/Werner Herzog voice: "but why does the haus still scream in my dreams?"
I hate everything about that house because the addition is not only bigger than the rest of the house, it looks like dogshit
This isn't even the bad one, is it? Where's the one with the confederate flags and trash and broken trucks?
edit: See below