I found the question come up on both communist and anarchist subs, and the difference in responses was quite striking.

As a longtime PTSD sufferer who self-medicates to the hilt just to do simple things like fall asleep or leave the house, the idea that I would either lose access to, be forced underground, or prosecuted for my recreational habits terrifies me.

I understand the rationale is in a functioning communist state, I would no longer feel the need for those drugs. Does it follow the science of recreational marijuana, psychedelics, ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc.? Or is the ambition to ween everyone off? And does that apply for all manner of distraction and entertainment as well?

  • supplier [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This is one of those things that I don't think we can even conceive of because of the systems we are currently born into.

    There won't be any regulations, but I think education around these topics will be much more holistic. If you're obsessively doing something, whether its taking drugs or pursuing entertainments non stop, chances are you are just trying to escape something in your life.

    But on the other hand, a very close friend of mine medicates with weed. She says she prefers its side effects to anti-anxiety / anti-depressants, though I could never imagine smoking as much weed as her myself.

    I think a good communist mantra is "know thyself"