I know this is a Ted talk and ted talks are all about spewing libshit platitudes into an undead audience; but this one just pissed me off:

The guy does a very incomplete, almost conservative level assessment of postmodernity, and then comes to the conclusion that "metamodernist values" the proposed (or rather misread) new set of values for our current contemporary woes, are nothing but a set scientifically engineered coping mechanisms intended to help the individual "stay on trajectory" in order for it to work within the capitalist meat grinder.

This shit is just a rebranding of the optimism movement in psychology, or the new little obsessions libs have: Mindfulness and positivity. There is no solution for issues like inequality, unbalanced power structures, and systemic oppression. The proposal is to teach everyone how to cope with systemic violence and somehow this will kumbaya society into fixing itself.

What's more damning is that there are hints in his discourse that he truly believes that most things are well with the world; The woes of our generation are mental and inmaterial; souls wounded by a philosophical vacuum.

Jordan Peterson For democrats.