Hey, first year math student here, and prof is all "Does P = NP"? So does it and what's your proof?
any textbook recommendations? because I got a B- in that course 10 years ago, so I remember approximately none of it.
* closer to 15 years ago, shit
$144 on Amazon
Well, time to go find a PDF, lol. Seems like it's pretty widely available in PDF, at least.
In my opinion Baby Rudin isn't a great textbook to learn from. It's the standard textbook for analysis, but I think it's better as a reference than as something to learn from. (In contrast, I found Hatcher to be a great textbook for learning algebraic topology.) I have heard that Terry Tao's analysis textbook is good, but I haven't read it myself so I can't confirm.
Real analysis is so lit though. Who doesn’t like building math from the ground up?
I love number theory, but real analysis kicked my ass in college. I never really revisited it.
I’m pretty sure the only reason I passed my real analysis final is because we were told we were only going to be asked questions from previous exams and we were allowed a double sided page worth of notes so I just copied all the previous test questions lol
I kinda wish we could have a community for homework/ college advice.
From my experience chapos are pretty good at dumbing things down without trying to male you feel stupid and I really appreciate it.
Aw yissssss
Exception: real analysis
Aw fuck. I'm assuming anything that uses concepts from analysis is also part of the exception?
Yeah, probably. I am not the best person to look for help in analysis.
I never felt I had a grasp on what was going on there. I really need to revisit it now that I have a more mature view of mathematics.
Dammit, you probably can't help me then. Any chance you're good with metric spaces? It's what I really need right now
I did really enjoy geometry in college. It's been a while since I've thought about any topology, but I can give it a shot, if you've got a specific question.
So let there be the metric space (X, d), let C(N, R) be the set of all convergent sequences in R and let there be the function f: C(N, R) |--> X; f(x_n) --> lim x_n. There's two situations: one where the distance associated with C(N, R) is d_infinity, which is the maximum difference for all elements in the two sequences in C(N, R), and one where the distance associated with C(N, R) is d(x, y) = 1/n where n is the smallest k where x_k != y_k. I need to prove that f is continuous in the first situation and not continuous in the second situation.
Imma make a glossary in case someone wants to help but doesn't know the terminology.
Metric space: it's a set associated with a function d that fulfills the properties of non-negativity, commutativity and triangular inequality. The function d is called the distance.
Distance: it's the function d associated with a metric space.
Sequence: an enumerated collection of objects. Like a set, but order matters. The elements of a sequence x_n are denominated by their order x_1, x_2, x_3, and so on
Convergence: a sequence is said to be convergent when it has a limit.
Limit of a sequence: a is the limit of a sequence when for every epsilon > 0 there's a natural number n0 such that for every n > n0 you have |x_n - a| < epsilon. If a sequence doesn't have a limit, it's called a divergent sequence.
Continuity of a function in metric spaces: a function f: X |--> Y is said to be continuous when for every epsilon > 0 there's a delta > 0 such that d1(x, y) < delta implies d2(f(x), f(y)) < epsilon. In this example, x and y are any random elements of X and d1 and d2 are the distances associated with the metric spaces X and Y.
In the German speaking world it's just called Analysis lol. If real analysis is off how about complex analysis?
Complex analysis I never got into because I never really felt comfortable with real analysis.
Together in English it's just called analysis, too, but the courses are separated. My goal is to go back and get a graduate degree in math, hopefully finally building real understanding of analysis.
I have a BA in math because I couldn't fit comp sci classes and two sets of distribution requirements in while double majoring with theatre. I have a masters in math education.
My undergrad I ended up taking a couple extra math courses, specifically in combinatorial graph theory and number theory.
That's pretty cool and impressive man. I flunked out of my Physics BA after 3 semesters.
I can't apply math for shit. I would have fucked up a physics major like woah.
What was it you didn't find compelling?
I can’t apply math for shit
You'd make an excellent mathematician.
I don't know. I found everything compelling but for that time my brain just kinda stopped working. I don't know if I wasn't as smart as I thought or needed to be. I was probably also clinically depressed at the time. I can say the university I was in had a tougher program than most but flunking out is flunking out.
german speaking world
you mean germany austria and half of switzerland?
I was just neutraly describing a language region. You're the one who had to get unnecessarily shitty about it.
dude!!! im joking pls dont be mad, do you really think i could really be mad if i posted a video of matt yelling
ngl, was hoping at least some of you would ask about linear algebra or calculus. But it's fun trying to remember some of the more advanced shit I did in college, too.
They are alright. It's definitely fun to play with partial derivatives and stuff like that, but it's been way too long since I've done much.
I should whip out my old linear algebra book and do some of the problem sets.
Tensors are indispensable in General Relativity so they in fact do kick ass.
Yeah hey, can you help me with this problem? I'm in an intro number theory class and I'm supposed to show that x/(y+z) + y/(x+z) + z/(x+y) = 4 has no positive integer solutions. I've been working on this for a few hours, but I haven't been able to get anything to work.
This one comes down to contradiction. Think about what x, y, z can be. Show that if x, y, z are above a certain value, then the equation breaks down. That value may also be a variable.
I'm not sure if that helps, but it's best to compare how the ratios work if you just pick a number for each of x, y, z, then keep trying.
If it's still not working for you in a couple hours, message me and I will try to hint you again without giving up the answer.
This is a tough one to coach without just saying what it is. Sorry.
I thought about that, but the issue is that it seems like all the terms are sorta cancelling each other out. Like if x = y = z, then the left hand side is always equal to 1.5. On the other hand if we fix y and z and let x get large, then the left hand side grows very large. So it doesn't seem like there's an easy condition such that after a certain point the equation is impossible to be true.
Think about what happens if x, y, z are all equal to 1....how would you make the denominator go away without that knowledge, though?
it may make sense just to brute force it by removing all denominators from the left side of the equation.
sometimes number theory means doing a bunch of stupid multiplications and then simplifying.
also, sometimes i purposefully make it painful, because discovering the solution is far more important, I am a Freirean educator...
I really don't see what you're saying. Like 1/2+1/3+1/6 = 1, why can't something similar happen here?
Clearing the denominators and doing some algebra I get x3+y3+z3−5xyz-3(x2y+xy2+x2z+xz2+y2z+yz^2) = 0 . This doesn't exactly look easier... I tried a parity argument, but it doesn't work. I don't think anything like that can work since multiplied out like this we introduced (0, 0, 0) as a solution and I wrote a python program to brute force this and I found solutions such as (-1, 4, 11) if we allow for negative integers.
A lot of it here is just trying a bunch of what we called "numericals" in college. Just plugging in numbers for x, y, z and looking for the structure when we simplified.
Once you get to the expanded algebraic equation, which I'm pretty sure you've got right, you should be able to show that the solution isn't possible for positive integers.
What must be true about that equation for it all to equal zero? I see a couple negatives, it may make sense to move them to the other side of the equation to find a statement equating two cubic relations. Pay close attention to the structure of the equation when you work with it. What happens with the odd numbers, prime numbers, positive and negative signs, powers, etc.
Ok I have to come clean, this is a bit. There do exist integer solutions, but you have to use algebraic geometry and in particular the theory of elliptic curves to solve this. The smallest solution has about 80 digits for each of x, y, and z.
lol, next time i'll open the chain letter from grandma.
this is a good bit, haven't seen it before that i can remember.
I'm sure this is a bit, but it does actually have solutions they're fucking huge tho
Math bois, u n i t e
I wanted to take math in uni but that only really gets me to teaching which im not opposed to i guess. Im not american. Idk if this is a good plan.
Teaching is what I do. You don't get to really go into math with the kids, but occasionally you can stretch them way beyond the curriculum if they are curious enough.
god i'm trying to get through linear and nonlinear waves and there is just no hope left
huh....not sure I remember any of that
perhaps another chapo would be able to help.