Can't go allowing Western propaganda about "personal liberty" to interfere with our grand plans. But we're definitely not authoritarian. You will grow to love the options we give you.

  • GlacialTurtle [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Why the fuck should i care about what snowden has to say in his analysis. He is a libertarian and his concepts are informed from that basis, especially with them coming from him being “assinged” to investigate Chinese government activity

    I don't know dude, someone who had first hand experience working as a contractor for the NSA, who exposed the mass surveillance they were doing, who was then persecuted by the US government to the point the US deliberately stranded him in Russia sounds pretty interesting to me. Sounds like someone who'd be worth listening to on how governments spy on innocent citizens.

    Yes but thats mostly something almost exclussively had to do with the chornic and huge issue of with overbloated Soviet bureocracy on these (and every ) sector…not about the nature ,necessity and usefullness of mass suveillence programs or cencorship practices at any or all capacities that existed. Just that it was structured at an excess and self defeating way which is pretty normal once you know about late soviet bureocracy.That point has nothing to do with the “X and Y werentr necessary actually”.


    Literally we know mass surveillance isn't effective. I'm not talking anything to do with soviet era surveillance.